
25 Years of Protecting Utah's Environment and Its People

Support HEAL Utah: $25 for 25 years of environmental advocacy!

For 25 years, HEAL Utah has led Utah's environmental protection efforts, creating community-driven policies and solutions to address pressing challenges, supported by thousands of volunteers, we aim to protect Utah's environment and its people.

Click on the images to learn more about what we do: 

Protecting Communities From Air Pollution 

Advocating for clean air is vital for combating climate change. HEAL Utah strengthens air quality regulations, supports public health, and defends frontline communities.

Building An Inclusive Clean Energy Future

We promote a clean energy future for Utah, reducing emissions, stabilizing the climate, and fostering adaptation, resilience, health equity, and economic opportunity.

Protecting Communities from Radioactive and Toxic Exposure.

Radioactive and toxic materials are a crisis for both the environment and public health, linked to our climate crisis. We advocates for a future that addresses these impacts and stands with Utah’s communities.

Join our Movement

Join us in safeguarding Utah's environment and communities. Together, we'll secure clean air, clean energy, and protections against toxic and radioactive waste. With 15,000+ supporters, let's make a difference. Will you stand with us?

HEAL Utah empodera las iniciativas comunales, utiliza soluciones basadas en la ciencia ydesarrolla políticas con sentido común.

Aprende más de lo que hacemos: 

Nuestro trabajo

HEAL Utah prioriza soluciones que aborden la crisis de la calidad del aire, que respaldan una transición energética justa y equitativa, que mantengan a nuestras comunidades a salvo de desechos tóxicos y radioactivos.


Por más de 20 años, HEAL ha luchado para proteger la salud ambiental de Utah y nuestro mundo natural y mantenerlos a salvo de amenazas ambientales, y nosotros no planeamos detenernos..


Dependemos de usted para ayudarnos a promover las políticas ambientales que a todos nos importan, por medio de voluntariados, cabilderos comunitarios o los que mandan cartas y correos.

The Latest Updates

Read the latest updates on all things HEAL Utah related and the progress of our current campaigns.

Más información sobre nuestra financiación y transparencia aquí

Making Headlines Across Utah and Beyond