
From FAIR to HEAL: Our Journey of Environmental Advocacy in Utah

In the early 1990s, Utah faced a significant environmental threat from the United States Army. They suggested the disposal of old and leaking bombs, landmines, and missiles containing a deadly nerve agent within our state. At that time, Utah held a staggering 45% of the entire U.S. stockpile of chemical weapons. The Army’s plan involved incinerating this hazardous material at the Tooele Army Depot, located near the towns of Tooele and Grantsville.

La sesión legislativa ha terminado. ¿Y ahora qué?

Ahora que nuestros legisladores han tenido unos meses para recuperarse de la Sesión General de este año, se están preparando para su primera reunión de la sesión interina del año. ¿No sabe en qué consiste la sesión provisional? ¿Te preguntas cómo puedes participar? No se preocupe. Estamos aquí para explicarle lo que debe saber sobre las sesiones interinas de Utah.

Celebrating Community Lobbyist Accomplishments During the 2023 Legislative Session

As we take a moment to catch our breath after the whirlwind that was the 2023 legislative session, we at HEAL Utah are bursting with pride to shine a spotlight on the incredible achievements of our community.

Our Community Lobbying program isn’t just about policies and politics – it’s about the power of people coming together to make a difference. It all started with a simple yet profound idea: work alongside concerned community members to speak up and watch as real change unfolds. And unfold it did, with the attendance of 105  individuals stepping up to advocate for our environment and its people. 

2024 Legislative Recap

The Utah Capitol was buzzing as the 2024 legislative session came to a close on Marzo 1st. After a whirlwind of activity, over 500 bills were signed into law, shaping the future of the beehive state. At HEAL Utah, we’ve been diligently monitoring, opposing, and supporting over 50 bills alongside community members and elected officials, focusing on crucial issues like air quality, renewable energy, radioactive and toxic exposure, the Great Salt Lake, and mining. Here’s a recap of the highs and lows of this year’s session.

2024 Capitol Report: Week Five

We hope everyone had an enjoyable President’s Day weekend, filled with relaxation and maybe a bit of reflection on our nation’s history.

This session, the spotlight has been on a concerning trend: a surge of legislation pushing for continued investment in fossil fuels. However, we must be crystal clear: this approach is wrong. Not only does the continual investment in fossil fuels harm our environment, but it also jeopardizes our economy and impedes our progress toward energy independence.

As we enter the final stretch with only 10 days left, the stakes are high, and every decision is crucial.

So, buckle up! It’s time to dive deep into the heart of the matter and stay informed about the legislation shaping our state’s future. Let’s make these last days count and ensure that Utah moves forward on a path that protects our environment and its health.

Navigating Utah’s Legislative Session​: Your HEAL Guide to Capitol Hill

Welcome to the 2024 Utah Legislative General Session, where the future of our state’s environmental policies is at stake. In this blog post, we will break down the legislative process and explore its significance in shaping Utah’s environmental landscape. HEAL Utah, an environmental advocacy organization plays a crucial role in pushing for policies that promote clean energy, improve air quality, protect our communities from toxic & radioactive exposure, and ensure transparency in decision-making. Let’s dive into how it all works!

Take Action During the Legislative Session

Las personas (¡como usted!) también pueden influir en las políticas que afectan a su salud y calidad de vida alzando la voz y convirtiéndose en grupos de presión comunitarios.

Cada año vemos cómo más y más personas redefinen lo que significa ser un grupo de presión que antepone la comunidad, la responsabilidad y las personas a los beneficios, sentando las bases de una era de mayor democracia en el Capitolio.