
The Great Salt Lake: An Update on Current Levels, Ongoing Challenges, and Our Next Steps

Explore the Great Salt Lake’s ecological significance and the challenges it faces in our latest blog post, ‘The Great Salt Lake: An Update on Current Levels, Ongoing Challenges, and Our Next Steps.’ Discover how low water levels due to drought, overuse, and climate change threaten its ecosystems and communities. Stay informed about current water levels and the urgent need for conservation efforts. Explore the role of policy changes and collaborative initiatives, including HEAL Utah’s legislative impact. Address environmental justice concerns and community-driven efforts to protect the lake.

Landmark Uintah Basin Court Ruling Sets Precedent for Climate-Focused Decision-Making

SALT LAKE CITY, — We commend the recent court decision that aligns with the goals set forth by the Biden Administration to combat the pressing issue of climate change. This decision is a commendable step forward, reflecting a commitment to the well-being of our communities and the preservation of our invaluable waterways. As we stand on the precipice of potentially irreversible feedback loops of global warming, which could lead to catastrophic losses of arable land, biodiversity, and clean water sources, decisions like these are pivotal in our collective effort to mitigate the most severe consequences of climate change.

Utah’s Scorching Heat: A Harsh Reality of Climate Change and Its Impact on Vulnerable Communities​

It’s getting increasingly hot in Utah and the environmental impacts are real. Heat waves, poor air quality, water scarcity, and changes to the ecosystem are all putting populations most vulnerable – the elderly, children, and low-income families – at greater risk. Let’s all work together to protect our environment in order to keep our communities safe!

Pintar un problema climático: La niebla regional

Utah alberga lo que se conoce como "los 5 poderosos" parques nacionales". Entre ellos están los parques nacionales de Bryce, Zion, Arches, Canyonlands y Capitol Reef. Los habitantes de todo el estado están muy orgullosos de sus parques nacionales, pero el gran privilegio de albergarlos conlleva la gran responsabilidad de mantenerlos limpios para que todo el mundo pueda seguir disfrutando de ellos.

HEAL Utah aplaude las disposiciones sobre cambio climático de la Ley de Reducción de la Inflación e insta a los funcionarios locales a trabajar en soluciones locales.

"Este proyecto de ley debería marcar el inicio de una nueva oportunidad para dar prioridad por fin a nuestra salud y nuestro medio ambiente como nación".