Next Stop for Building Codes? The 2023 General Session

Next Stop for Building Codes? The 2023 General Session.

Latest updates on building codes.  

A step closer to energy-efficient homes.

This summer, HEAL supporters (that’s you!), partnering organizations, and concerned community members successfully lobbied the Uniform Building Code Commission (UBCC) to vote to adopt the majority of the 2021 IECC Residential Building Code update. These codes will update residential buildings’ insulation, lighting efficiency, and other measures to strengthen the overall efficiency of our homes. If the IECC code were to become law through the Utah Legislature, the strengthened building standards would combat environmental issues like drought and air pollution in our state.

As the automotive industry continues to transition to more and more electric vehicles – buildings will soon be the number one source of emissions in our airsheds. Baseline cleaner and more sustainable buildings in our state will be essential to ensure our air is clean for future generations. Learn more about area source emissions here. 

Click on the image for full video, links and minutes. 

During this month’s Business and Labor Committee, our lawmakers were given the full recommendation from the UBCC as a study item. While there wasn’t a public discussion on the updates, we expect to see building code legislation during the 2023 legislative session.


We want to thank all of you who attended our workshops and took time out of your busy schedules to advocate for sustainable and effective building codes! Our team will be working behind the scenes to move building code updates into legislation and will keep you updated on ways to take action. 


You can help us achieve cleaner new buildings by attending our Legislative Preview events next month and our free weekly lobbying trainings during the General Session.